Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Around Korea

What a load!


Doota Shopping Center in Dongdaemun

Conner's snowman - December 21, 2011

Toy Alley in Dongdaemun

Pacific Island Resort in Guam

View from our balcony

Conner, Hayden, and Andy playing tug-of-war

 Fresh Coconuts!!!!!
Kayaking at the resort

Hayden in the sand

Shopping in the market

Trampoline fun for Hayden

Trampoline fun for Conner

Conner loved the bridge walk in the pool

Snorkel Fun!

Pool at the resort

Pool at the resort

Scenery at the resort

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Dr. Fish Pedicure - Gangnam/Seoul

I'm hungry!!!!! Give me some feet!!!

Conner getting his feet clean for the fish

Hayden getting his feet clean for the fish

Fish Pedicure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It tickles too much!!!

Wow! Andy must have tasty feet!

Finally use to the fish nibbling at my feet

Skate Park - November 2011

Christmas Tree in Korea

Hayden's helping hands
Hayden and Conner have helping hands!

Snacking on a Pirouette while helping!
Helping hands have left the building!

Time for the angel!

 Looks great in the corner of the family room!